22225 Lee’s Summit West

 UNIT NAME Classification: Color Guard
Andesine of Central MissouriCG Independent A
Antioch Spartan Winter GuardCG Independent Regional A
Belton High School Winter GuardCG Scholastic Regional A
Bernard Campbell Middle SchoolCG Scholastic Cadet
Blue Springs School District North MS PurpleCG Scholastic Cadet
Blue Valley High SchoolCG Scholastic AA
Blue Valley Southwest High SchoolCG Scholastic Regional A
Cameron High School Winter GuardCG Scholastic Novice
Central High SchoolCG Scholastic Novice
Crown Jewell Independent from William Jewell CollegeCG Independent A
Delta Woods Middle School Winter GuardCG Scholastic Cadet
Elegante IndependentCG Independent Regional A
Fox C-6 WinterguardCG Scholastic Regional A
Francis Howell Central WinterguardCG Scholastic Regional A
Harrisonville High SchoolCG Scholastic Novice
ICT IndependentCG Independent A
Lafayette High SchoolCG Scholastic Novice
Lathrop WinterguardCG Scholastic Regional A
Lawson High School Winter GuardCG Scholastic Regional A
Lee's Summit High School VarsityCG Scholastic A
Lee's Summit High School JVCG Scholastic Regional A
Lee's Summit North High SchoolCG Scholastic AA
Lee's Summit West High SchoolCG Scholastic Regional A
Liberty High SchoolCG Scholastic A
Liberty North High SchoolCG Scholastic AA
Liberty Public Schools - EaglesCG Independent Regional A
Maple Park Middle SchoolCG Scholastic Cadet
Mid-Buchanan WinterGuardCG Scholastic Regional A
North Kansas City High SchoolCG Scholastic Regional A
Oak Park High SchoolCG Scholastic AA
Odessa High School Winter GuardCG Scholastic Regional A
Penney High SchoolCG Scholastic Novice
Platte County High School Winter GuardCG Scholastic Regional A
Platte County Middle School Winter GuardCG Scholastic Cadet
Pleasant Lee Middle SchoolCG Scholastic Cadet
Rock Bridge Color GuardCG Scholastic Regional A
Smith-Cotton High SchoolCG Scholastic Regional A
Smithville HSCG Scholastic Regional A
Smithville Middle SchoolCG Scholastic Cadet
Southern Boone High SchoolCG Scholastic Novice
Spring Hill High SchoolCG Scholastic Novice
Staley High SchoolCG Scholastic Regional A
Summit Lakes Middle SchoolCG Scholastic Cadet
Truman High SchoolCG Scholastic Regional A
Warrensburg High SchoolCG Scholastic AA
Warrensburg Middle SchoolCG Scholastic Cadet
Winnetonka High SchoolCG Scholastic Regional A
 UNIT NAME Classification: Color Guard
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