Promotions: Francis Howell Central HS Winter Guard

The 2014-2015 Francis Howell Central Winter Guard is proud to present their show “Lay ’em Down,” performed to the music of NEEDTOBREATHE. The soulful musicality with the powerful lyricism offers a recognizable feeling of burden and anguish, and the struggle of learning to let go of the stress, or rather, lay ’em down. Life presents a number of conflicts and endeavors. The challenge is learning to seek happiness in spite of what conflicts arise.  One of the band members, Bo Rinehart, says this of the groups song when it was first released:

 “…everyone who hears the song can relate to the themes of having troubles and burdens and wanting to lay them down. Our favorite part of the song came out in the lyrics “we’re all dirty like corrupted small towns”.

The group hopes to not only preform for the enjoyment of the activity, but to share the message that everyone has their own battles that they CAN overcome. The group is inspired not only by the song, but by the teachings of Maya Angelou.

“You will face many defeats in your life, but never let yourself be defeated.”

“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.”

 – Maya Angelou

The guard consists of 16 performing members with an average age of 16.  The group is directed by Anna Trask, and is assisted by Zachary Leake. Trey Antonetti is credited with the group’s soundtrack modifications. Francis Howell Central’s next performance will be at Francis Howell North on February 28, 2015.

Images courtesy of Tom Barcroft, MCCGA Photographer
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