Announcing a meeting for the Kansas City area directors, coaches, and instructors of Color Guard and Winter Guard. It will be held in the band room of Smithville High School on Sunday, June 1st, at 2 p.m. Come through the front doors and follow the signs.
This includes not only members of MCCGA, but non-members as well. We have many new instructors in our area and this meeting is to touch base with them, and experienced instructors, to see what we can do to help the area guard programs. It is a chance to network and see who everyone in the area is. It is also a chance for area people that are interested in instructing, writing, or assisting with a program to get their name out there. We will have a question and answer session. Billy Saccomanno, MCCGA, chief judge, will be present and will speak on several different subjects. Duane Williams will also be available.
Join us for an afternoon of guard talk. Please RSVP to Connie Mogg, including any specific subjects you would like discussed. Hope to see you there. 816-830-3120