The MCCGA Executive board has continued to meet after yesterday’s announcement to determine the best course of action for the remainder of our season.
Our main priority is the health and safety of our performers, staff, judges and community. Keeping this in mind, the decision has been made to cancel the remainder of our season events. This was an extremely heartbreaking decision to make for all of us, but given the current situation in our world, we feel it is the best decision to make.
I’m sure directors will have a lot of questions, but I ask that you give the board a few days to regroup and we will provide further information next week.
Thank you to all of our directors and performers for making this one of the most exciting seasons in our circuit history!
Take time to celebrate your unit achievements, big and small!
Thank you on behalf of the MCCGA Board of Directors.
Duane Williams
MCCGA President
While the CDC believes the current risk to the American public is low at this time, there are still steps that individuals can take to protect themselves:
First and foremost, practice good hygiene. Wash your hands often, especially after using the restroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing. Use regular soap and water and wash for 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based gel in it’s place (hand sanitizer).
Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands.
When you sneeze or cough, cover your mouth AND nose with a tissue. Dispose of the tissue immediately and wash your hands or use hand sanitizer. If a tissue is not available, sneeze or cough into a flexed elbow.
Stay home when you are sick with respiratory symptoms.
When talking with people, keep some distance. Keep at least one arms distance between you and other people, especially if they are sneezing and/or coughing.
Routinely clean frequently touched surfaces and objects such as performance equipment, instruments, props, and tarps.
Avoid handshakes or hugs.
2020 Championships
Admission: All day $15 Adults, $10 Seniors over 60 and children under 10, Children under age 5 FREE.
Your paid admission at any single location is good for all 3 locations, all day.
Any questions regarding these schedules should be directed to
Nixa High School
Willard High School
Merchandise: Pepwear will be onsite with shirts, pins, patches and other featured apparel for sale.
Video: There is no videotaping allowed.
Still Photos: Prints will be available for order of all performing units. Additionally, Share-able Digital Galleries may be pre-ordered from all of the MCCGA Photographers at all 3 sites. Order directly on the schedule page for your location. You may photograph from your seat in the stands, however as always – for the SAFETY of all of our performers – there is NO flash photography permitted. Directors – please remind your members’ parents and fans about flash photography.