2018 Membership
All requests for changes to festivals should go to festivalchanges@mccga.org
Unit Classification Director State
Freedom Percussion Perc: Independent Open Michael Davis MO
Parkway Central HS Winter Guard CG: Scholastic Regional A Brandon Fink MO
Smith-Cotton HS Indoor Winds: Scholastic A C. Grant Maledy Mo
Hillsboro HS Winter Guard CG: Scholastic AA Tim Dedert MO
Raymore-Peculiar HS Winter Guard CG: Scholastic Regional A Alyssa Clark MO
Gateway Percussion Perc: Independent World Paul Richardson MO
Bearcat Winter Guard CG: Independent Regional A Kylie Mattke MO
Republic HS Winter Guard CG: Scholastic AA Shyra Whalon Mo
Modulation Z Perc: Independent Open Ryan Treasure MO
Northwest HS Winter Guard CG: Scholastic Regional A Katie Hermann Mo
Lee's Summit HS Winter Guard CG: Scholastic AA Laura Finch MO
Clever HS Winter Guard CG: Scholastic Regional A Colton Hatfield MO
Lafayette County C-1 HS Winter Guard CG: Scholastic Regional A Kelly Reuther MO
Joplin HS Indoor Drumline Perc: Scholastic B Mike Wassenaar MO
Southern Boone HS Winter Guard CG: Scholastic Regional A Sydney Forck MO
Republic HS Indoor Percussion Perc: Scholastic B Craig Edwards MO
St. Clair HS Winter Guard CG: Scholastic Regional A Tammy Wall MO - Missouri
Francis Howell Central HS Winter Guard CG: Scholastic Regional A Nathan Griffin MOf
Immense Memories CG: Independent Regional A Catherine Edwards OK
Unit Classification Director State