Note: change to the timeline of Willard made to accommodate a more appropriate dinner break.
Any questions with regards to the schedule should be sent to
Ozark High School
Nixa High School
Willard High School
All three locations will have vendor merchandise booths provided by Pepwear
Your MCCGA Photographers are again making Digital Galleries available at
$50 with a $10 discount for pre-orders placed on or before April 1.
Admission: All day $15 Adults, $10 Seniors over 60 and children under 10, Children under age 5 FREE.
Your paid admission at any single location is good for all 3 locations, all day.
Video: There is no professional videographer at any of the 3 locations again this year. Units and fans MAY video from the stands. Please do NOT use tripods as seating is always limited at various times of the day in all 3 locations. Please let your parents/fans know to check that the light/flash is off on phones and cameras while videoing.
Still Photos: Prints will be available for order of all performing units. Additionally, Share-able Digital Galleries may be pre-ordered from all of the MCCGA Photographers at all 3 sites. Order directly on the schedule page for your location. You may photograph from your seat in the stands, however as always – for the SAFETY of all of our performers – there is NO flash photography permitted. Directors – please remind your members’ parents and fans about flash photography.
Director’s Documents: Maps, additional director’s information and warm-up schedules are now available in the Directors Forum.