2015 Proposals and Nominations

Download: 2015 MCCGA Proposals
Download: 2014 MCCGA Annual Meeting Agenda 6-21-14

Nominations for the following offices are now closed. Offices up for election are:

Education Director
Public Relations Director
Asst. Percussion Coordinator
Springfield Region Rep

When nominating an individual for an office, please confirm their acceptance of the nomination prior to submission. Please also include an email address for your nominee. All officers must be at least 21 years of age or older. In order to be elected to one of the positions above, the nominee must have attended the 2013 annual meeting and/or be in attendance at the 2014 meeting.

The annual meeting will be held on Saturday June, 21, 2014 at:

Holiday Inn East
915 Port Way
Columbia, MO 65201

11:00 am Educational Clinic
Training To-Do’s and Dont’s, Effective training of color guard, presented by Jayson Johnson, MCCGA Education Director

1:00 pm General Meeting

I. Welcome
1. Introduction of members present
2. Review Agenda & voting procedure
3. Vote to approve discussion time

II. Season Highlights

III. Treasurer’s Report
2013-14 Income & Expenses to date

IV. Proposals
Discussion & vote

V. Elections

VI. New Business

VII. Open Discussion

VIII. Adjournment

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