2016 Championships

Schedule | Photos
Recaps: Regional A & IRA

Middle School Guard
SB, SA, IA, IO Guard
Schedule | Photos
Recaps: Scholastic B | A & Open

Scholastic C Guard
All Percussion
Schedule | Photos
Recaps: Scholastic C | Percussion

- Admission: All day $15 Adults, $10 Seniors over 60 and children under 10, Children under age 5 FREE.
Your paid admission at any single location is good for all 3 locations, all day.
- Video: There is no professional videographer at any of the 3 locations again this year. Units and fans MAY video from the stands. Please do NOT use tripods as seating is always limited at various times of the day in all 3 locations.
- Still Photos: Prints will be available for order of all performing units. Additionally, Share-able Digital Galleries may be pre-ordered from all of the MCCGA Photographers at all 3 sites. Order directly on the schedule page for your location. You may photograph from your seat in the stands, however as always – for the SAFETY of all of our performers – there is NO flash photography permitted. Directors – please remind your members’ parents and fans about flash photography.
- Director’s Documents: Maps, additional director’s information and warm-up schedules are now available in the Directors Forum.
All three locations will have vendor merchandise booths provided by Pepwear
Your MCCGA Photographers are again making Digital Galleries available at
$50 with a $10 discount for pre-orders placed on or before April 2.