The 1st show of the season is upon us! Have you…..
- Submitted your Unit Fact Sheet (Spiel Sheet)?
- Signed up for Critique for your NEXT show? (signup closes at 6pm on Sunday of the week prior for each festival)
- Pre-ordered your unit’s performance pictures? (Optional of course – but very appreciated by your members, parents, boosters, yearbook editor, etc! Pre-ordering gives you priority post-processing AND all your pictures are downloadable without watermarks!) Order directly on the schedule page.
- Checked the Director Forum for any additional information for your show?
- MCCGA Education on Facebook is an invaluable resource for newer directors as well as those who’ve been doing this for years! Our Education Director Trey Antonetti shared a pre-show checklist that works well for his groups. Join the group and share what you use as well!
- 2018 Membership
Rulebooks are now posted below. It is very important that you read the rulebook for your respective activity.
- 2018 MCCGA By-Laws
- 2018 MCCGA Policy Manual
- 2018 MCCGA Color Guard Rulebook
- 2018 MCCGA PercussionWinds Rulebook
- Guard Instructor Checklist
- Percussion Instructor Checklist
Make sure to take advantage of the many communication tools MCCGA provides in addition to the website.
- Facebook Page:
- Facebook Education Group: