Absolutely no videotaping
will be permitted. Handheld still cameras are permitted in the stands, no
tripods please. As always - for the SAFETY of all of our performers - there
is NO flash photography permitted.
Vendors will be at all sites selling gifts, equipment, t-shirts, and
information on some independent groups.
Maps, additional director's
information and warm-up schedules are available in the
Directors Forum.

Willard High
515 East Jackson St
Willard, MO, 65781-9209
Ozark High
1350 W. Bluff Dr
Ozark, Mo 65721
Southern State University
3950 Newman Road
Joplin, Mo 64801
Our 2013 Videographer will again be Mr Video, who has
provided video/DVD services for the previous two years.
Did you miss ordering last year?
Go here to order historical DVDs of previous
championships events!
Reminder - there is absolutely
no video recording permitted at Championships. This will be
strictly enforced and may result in removal of the
individuals recording performances being removed from the
event site with no refunds of admission fees. Directors -
please convey this information to your parents, students and
Two great affordable hotels in Springfield for
your Championships weekend!

Inn South - 05483
621 W. Sunshine
Springfield, MO 65807
417.863.7249 (fax)

Inn and Suites Airport Plaza - 6577
2445 N. Airport Plaza Avenue
Springfield, MO 65803
417.447.4467 (fax)
Does your unit have equipment
or costumes for sale?
Send your information to publicrelations@mccga.org for inclusion on the
MCCGA Classifieds.
MCCGA is excited to have the capability to
offer this new page to units and wish to make it a positive experience for
everyone involved. MCCGA Circuit members are invited to post items for sale
as well as openings for unit staff, designers & coaching positions. Although
all submissions are reviewed by the Executive Board of MCCGA for
appropriateness, the MCCGA can not be held accountable for the actual sale
or transaction. |