Since it's humble beginnings (color guard only with less than 30 units in
5 classes), MCCGA has flourished into the organization we see today; 100+
combined units in 17 classes of both color guard and percussion, from
Missouri, Kansas, Illinois, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Nebraska. MCCGA has also
moved into the national spotlight over the years as its members have become
increasingly competitive at both percussion and color guard WGI Regionals
and WGI World Championships. Beginning in 2001, MCCGA has hosted a WGI Color
Guard Regional each season, helping to introduce other units from around the
country to the circuit and allowing our units to see programs and experience
judging on a national level.
The Mid-Continent Color Guard Association (MCCGA) is a winter color guard
and percussion circuit serving independent and scholastic guards and
percussion lines from Missouri, Kansas, Illinois, Nebraska, Oklahoma,
Arkansas, and Iowa. Now entering our 17th year, the MCCGA offers an
educational and competitive arena where young adults learn character
building, confidence and professional skills for a lifetime.
Through equipment, movement and design, the MCCGA takes
members and their audiences on life-changing journeys, discovering
new talents, skills, friendships and accomplishments along the way.
Percussion Scholastic Regional (PSR)
Percussion Scholastic B (PSB)
Percussion Scholastic A (PSA)
Percussion Independent A (PIA)
Percussion Independent Open (PIO)
Percussion Scholastic Concert (PSC)
Percussion Independent World (PIW)