2003 Percussion Recap          
           Kickapoo Festival - March 15, 2003        
Judge   Williams       Curtis       Petersen       Bowman
    Performance Analysis             Ensemble Analysis          General Effect       T&P  
    Comp  Quality Total    Comp  Excel  Total    Music Overall  Total   Gross Less Final
Unit 150 250 400   100 100 200   200 200 400   Score Pen Score
Willard 143 207 350   77 70 147   137 141 278   77.5 0 77.5
Warrensburg 141 208 349   74 71 145   132 129 261   75.5 0 75.5
Kickapoo 146 212 358   83 79 162   146 147 293   81.3 0 81.3
Logan-Rogersville 135 188 323   70 67 137   137 139 276   73.6 0 73.6
The Pride of SMSU 139 236 375   89 89 178   180 178 358   91.1 0 91.1